實驗室主持人獲邀ACA2022 演講(Keynote speech)
實驗室主持人獲邀ACA2022 演講(Keynote speech)

實驗室主持人獲邀ACA2022 演講(Keynote speech)

實驗室主持人獲邀ACA2022擔任Keynote speech演講

演講主題:Color and Texture in 3D Shape Measurement

時間:2022/10/21 AM10:20~11:00 (UTC+8)



3D shape measurement is the technology to collect not only 3D geometry information but color appearance. However, there are few commercial products which are able to reproduce accurate color and texture for 3D objects. To visualize a realistic 3D object, physically based rendering (PBR) texture is usually used. In PBR texture, there are several factors such as diffusion, glossy, roughness, metallic, surface normal et. al. In this talk, I will introduce to how a 3D scanning device was developed, and why PBR is important and difficult to obtain in 3D shape measurement. In recent decade, we dedicated on the development of 3D shape measurement for various industrial applications. It is no doubt that “color” as well as texture is the most critical part for visualization in digital age. For different purposes, we developed several types of 3D appearance measurement devices based on different configurations. Most of them were practical and designed to severe the need of 3D color measurement. Moreover, this talk will provide the perspective view from 3D engineering to understand the fundamentals of “color and texture”.


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