Color Imaging 3D Lab
Advanced Computer Graphics

Advanced Computer Graphics

Course title / code

Advanced Computer Graphics (CI5326701)



Graduate level / 3 credits

English lecture (EMI)


Course objectives

We will focus on the principle, mathematical description of 3D for computer graphics field, and dedicate for developing quality 3D and color applicaitons.


Outline of lectures

Graduate level (EMI) Teaching about the principle and algorithm of of 3D computer graphics and dedicating to build up the ability of writing programs for 3D modeling and color rendering.

  • Introduction and 3D Computer Graphics Review
  • 3D Model Files Format
  • Basic Math and Linear Algebra
  • 2D and 3D Transformation
  • 3D Projection and Viewing
  • 3D, Depth and Stereoscopic Render
  • Lighting and Shading Algorithm
  • Brief Introduction to Parallel Processing
  • webGL / OpenGL (+Shading Language)



Professor will provide slides and related sample codes for Textbooks learning.



Peter Shirley, “Fundamentals of Computer Graphics,” 3rd edition, A. K. Peters, ISBN: 9781568814698 (Primary Use) Edward Angel, “Interactive computer graphics a top-down approach using OpenGL,” (5th edition), Addison-Wesley, ISBN:9780321535863 (Supplemental Textbook)



You should have the ability of writing programs for solving problems. All assignments will need the skill.



Participation, feedback(10%)

Homework assignments (40%)

Midterm project (25%)

Final project (25%)

* the proportion will be confirmed after 1st week of the semester



You should have learned “Engineering mathematics” or “Linear algegra”, and known matrix operations. 



The followings are selected samples from lecture

Color model render: [LINK]

PBR Texture model render: [LINK]

Shadow & Lighting: [LINK]

HDR360 render: [LINK]

3D Scan Files (IDW2023 Poster):[LINK]

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